Emmanuel Orozco

Learnings after breaking up with my cofounder

May 03, 2024

Learnings after breaking up with my cofounder

A few weeks ago, I joined Antler, a pre-seed/pre-idea start up accelerator based on Paris.

It’s a 3 months cohort where the main idea is to group up and start building companies together.

For me, it was an amazing idea. I’ve never found a cofounder so I group up and started a company together.

That’s how I found my cofounder.

It was a 5 weeks process of discovering things together.

Unfortunately, the relationship did not work. But the process lead me to the following learnings:

So what’s next?

Keep building things.

I am tired of taking to customers to see what they need.

I want to have some assumptions and build something fast, test, take what it works and discard the rest.

Start Up way the say

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