Emmanuel Orozco

Treat marketing as a jira epic

Jul 08, 2024

As a developer, I am used to product management tools.

Jira, Asana, agile scrum, you name it.

Defining story points, milestones, tasks, and subtasks.

However, when creating a company, there is way, way more than development.

I learned this while creating eloquentcoach.ai. (we rebranded, yay)

The task I am facing now is marketing.

Marketing is exciting to learn. Creating a demand where there is none.

However, when it comes to planning marketing, I saw most of the work as a black box that says marketing and started improvising on the road. Not the best way to do it.

  1. Defining user persona
  2. List channels where my user persona lives.
  3. Set up a CRMish flow to keep track of who I am contacting and the stage of the interaction
  4. List websites to do beta launch.
  5. Launch Reddit.
  6. Launch Instagram.


Most of these tasks take the shape of a Jira task (that are parts of an epic), but me as a developer, never thought about it like that.

After evaluating my mistake, I started doing more planning in my marketing tasks. As an example, it allowed me to create a basic CRM in Notion like this:



A bad (but functional) CRM in Notion page.

There are still things to improve but the main idea is there.

Marketing requires the same (or more) organization than development.

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